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What is Turnkey Software Solutions? – Benefits, Important, Types

turnkey software solutions

What is Turnkey Software Solutions?

A turnkey solution is a scheme built end-to-end for a client that can easily implement into an existing business process.

It is ready to use directly after deployment and design to adhere to a particular function.

With rapid software and hardware technology advances, turnkey solutions are famous for companies that want to speed up time to market.

The term originates from the idea that the end-user can turn a key, and the system is ready.

Turnkey systems include all the necessary hardware and software for the particular application. The “solution” evolved into the turnkey concept as economies became more service-based.

Benefits of Turnkey Software Solutions

A turnkey solution can be the most affordable way to build something from start to finish that is beneficial to multiple users.

Turnkey solutions create to apply to an existing business process without interruption.

Turnkey solutions can save a company time and money successfully implement.

Important Points that Turnkey Software Solutions

for the “turnkey” Project:

What are the e Caps of Turnkey Software Solutions Projects?

Given that turnkey projects are complete, their execution covers the project’s entire life cycle. The performance of this type of project can divide into four stages:

First Stage: Project Definition

The engineering area works with the client, meeting with operators and engineers to gather information on the requirements to design a project that defines their needs and challenges and addresses them.

All the technical knowledge of the site collect, as well as what hardware and software are needed and what resources are necessary to achieve the project’s objectives. This is called the conceptual design phase.

Second Stage: Design and Engineering

During the design phase, commonly called the project proposal phase, a project manager assign who will work closely with the customer to create the automation solutions.

The scope of the effort, the development specifications, and the results are detailed. We also document our design strategies and determine which equipment is qualified to use it, information about the software, and any training that may be required. A deadline for the execution of the project is also established.

Third Stage: Assembly and Testing

The entire design stage reflects in this stage. In other words, in this phase, we finish the hardware production and the software applications development.

Of course, the final testing phases, such as FAT (Factory Test) and SAT (Site Test), out to ensure that the turnkey automation engineering solutions meet everything the customer needs.

Fourth Stage: The Delivery

Once it ensures that the production tests have gone well and that the solution quality, the project consider complete.

It is ready for a new and better solution. During this stage, training is usually request for the exercise of operators and assistance in starting up.

Other Types of Turnkey Software Solutions Terms

Traditionally, turnkey commonly apply to construction projects such as warehouses, other purpose-built buildings, or houses.

The idea is that the building contractor ends up with a product that the buyer can use immediately.

A turnkey property newly renovates upgrade apartment building or townhouse ready for buyers or renters.

Real estate companies, real estate agents and buyers, and real estate investors often describe new buildings or homes as “off the shelf.”

Advantages and Disadvantages of Turnkey Software Solutions

A turnkey solution is perhaps the cheapest way to build something end-to-end that benefits multiple users.

However, turnkey requirements may not consider a business’s individual needs.

Purchasing a turnkey content management software solution from an outside company may be cheaper but may not meet all of the buyer’s needs.

All this, in a sector that increasingly focuses on Web sales and less on services, gives the added value that allows us to distance ourselves from the competition.

Among other advantages, we can highlight:

Example of a Turnkey Software Solutions

A business looking to implement an online billing feature on their website may use third-party vendors to process all transactions and handle all technical issues associated with this process.

One solution, in this case, allows the company the headache of registering the tool in-house and developing approvals for an invoicing system from scratch.


A turnkey solution is a customer-created end-to-end system that can easily implement into an existing business process.

Its designs to perform a particular operation, such as manufacturing (in whole or part), billing, website design, training, or content management. It is immediately ready for use in the application.

A turnkey solution system is different from a custom or engineered system. A turnkey solution can be affordable and straightforward when a business or firm isn’t looking for many bells and whistles.

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